Delivery Days

What days do you deliver? 

Deliveries will coincide with and are determined by our Farmers Market schedule depending on your location, and is subject to our Order Cutoff Times as shown below. For instance, if your location is closest to and within 5 miles of our Campbell Farmers Market which occurs every Sunday, then your delivery day is also Sunday. 


In the future we hope to add weekday delivery options for customers in Santa Cruz, Monterey, Santa Clara, and San Francisco counties.


ORDER CUTOFF TIMES: (1) Monday @ Noon for Weekday Markets & Home Delivery. (2) Thursday @ Noon for Weekend Markets. 

- 64 OZ Tropical Kefir, Coconut Water, E3 Live, Magic Mineral Broth, Miso Broth, Refreshing Green Cut off Time is Wednesday at 11:59 pm.

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